Plastic Filters

Plastic filters are filters with a plastic outer housing and a filter element framework of also plastic. Plastic filters exist as screen filters and as disk filters.

Plastic filters with a screen filter consist in 2 versions: an inline or Y model and as a right-angled or T model. The screen filters usually have a plastic filter frame and a stainless steel filter screen. The plastic screen filters can also be executed as a semi-automatic filter.

Plastic disk filters are filters that consist of a large amount of stacked plastic rings with grooves. When these rings are compressed, they form a very small corridor system between the rings through where the water can flow through and the pollution will linger. Plastic disk filters thus create any form of depth filtration.

Plastic screen filters are mainly used as post-filter or safety filter in all sectors where water is used.

Plastic semi-automatic screen filters are mainly used as main filters for smaller installations, where the system can handle a lot of dirt or as a post-filter for systems that have a higher sensitivity to contamination.

Plastic dirt filters are used for low-pollution water, with all contamination exceeding the set filtration rate removed.

Plastic screen filters are available from 3/4" to 3" outside wire, with 5-60 m³/h being processed. By default, the screen filters are available between 100 and 500 microns.

Semi-automatic screen filters are available as a T-model in 2'' and 3'' with a 130 micron filtration rate. Filter elements of 100 and 200 microns are optionally available.

Plastic disk filters are available between 1" and 3" with standard 130 microns inside.

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