Suction Filters

Suction Filters are filters used at the suction side of the pump with the purpose to protect the pump. There are two types of suction filters: a suction basket and a 'strainer'.

The suction basket is intended for attachment at the beginning of a suction line. This suction basket consists of a steel frame with a stainless steel screen. This screen is constantly cleaned by means of an internal sprayer. This makes the suction basket especially suitable for use in lakes, rivers and natural springs in which much coarse pollution occurs.

in which much coarse pollution occurs.

The 'strainer' is a suction filter that is mounted in the suction line. This filter is intended to capture coarse contamination just before the pump, but also to absorb snails that can grow on the inside of a suction pipe just before the pump. This prevents damage to the pump, which keeps the pump capacity constant and repair costs can be avoided. The connections of the 'strainer' are situated directly opposite of eachother, so mounting between a continuous pipe is possible.

The suction basket is available from 4" to 16" connections with 1200 or 2500 micron screens. This allows you to filter 80 to 1200 m³/h.

The 'strainer' is available from 3" to 24" with 3000 micron openings in stainless steel plate, resulting in 20 to 2000 m³/h being filtered.

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